林琳 |
1.Mo, J. C., Wang, C. X., Niu, X. X., Jia, X. J., &Lin, L.(2019). The relationship between impulsivity and self-injury in Chinese undergraduates: The chain mediating role of stressful life events and negative affect.Journal of Affective Disorders.doi:10.1016/j.jad.2019.05.074 (SSCI)通讯作者.已接收,排版中.
2.Lin L.,Zhao SB., Zhang J. (2019). Impulsivity kills some who did not plan to die by suicide: Evidence from Chinese rural youths.Omega: Journal of Death and Dying.DOI:10.1177/0030222818786417(SSCI)第一作者,已接收,排版中.
3.Wang, C. X., Mo, J. C., Niu, X. X., Jia, X. J., &Lin, L.(2019). The role of interpersonal problems and family environment in the association between impulsivity and suicidal ideation: A moderate mediation model.Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 207(1), 22-28. (SSCI)通讯作者.
4.Liu GF., Niu XX.,Lin L. (2018). Gender moderates the effect of darkness on ethical behavior:An explanation of disinhibition.Personality and Individual Differences,130, 96-101. (SSCI)通讯作者.
5.Lin L., Zhang J. Impulsivity, mental disorder, and suicide in rural China. (2017).Archives of Suicide Research, 21(1), 73-82. (SSCI)第一作者.
6.Lin L., Zhang J., Zhou L., Jiang C. (2016). The relationship between impulsivity and suicide among sural youths aged 15-35 years: A case-control psychological autopsy study.Psychology, Health and Medicine,21(3), 330-337. (SSCI)第一作者.
7.Zhang J.,Lin L. (2015). The moderating effect of social support on the relationship between impulsivity and suicide in rural China.Community Mental Health Journal, 51(5), 585-590. (SSCI)通讯作者.
8.Zhang J.,Lin L.(2014).The moderating effects of impulsivity on Chinese rural young suicide.Journal of Clinical Psychology, 70(6), 579-588. (SSCI)第二作者.
10.林琳,何海平,刘羽,杨洋,莫娟婵,王晨旭,刘拓. (2019).负性情绪对自杀危险的影响:自伤行为的中介作用.黑龙江高教研究, 37(5), 83-87.第一作者.
11.林琳,王晨旭,莫娟婵,杨洋,李慧生,贾绪计,白学军. (2018).大学生的冲动性特质与自杀意念的关系:一个有调节的中介模型.心理发展与教育,34(3), 369-376.第一作者.
12.林琳,刘羽,王晨旭,莫娟婵,刘俊岐,姜喆昊,李慧生,贾绪计.(2018).绝望与感恩在反刍思维与大学生自杀意念之间的作用:一个有调节的中介模型.心理与行为研究,16(4), 549-556.第一作者.
13.林琳,莫娟婵,王晨旭,刘扬,曲舸征,贾绪计. (2017).冲动性和大学生自伤行为的关系:一个有调节的中介模型.心理与行为研究,15(6), 824-832.第一作者.
2.国家青年自然科学基金项目“高冲动性特质的自杀意念者的执行控制特点及追踪研究” (31500895)。