[党的二十届三中全会精神研究阐释] 心理学部林琳副教授团队的论文The relationship between sleep quality and suicidal ideation in college students: the longitudinal mediating role of negative affect and the neural basis of this relationship在Current Psychology发表
由天津师范大学心理学部林琳副教授和硕士研究生田茗阳嘉撰写的论文“The relationship between sleep quality and suicidal ideation in college students: the longitudinal mediating role of negative affect and the neural basis of this relationship”2024年8月在Current Psychology上发表。林琳副教授和我校毕业研究生田茗阳嘉为共同一作,徐战胜博士为通讯作者,天津师范大学为第一署名单位。该研究得到天津市教育科学...